JED Foundation

Launching a mental health platform for new college students



Transitioning into adulthood can bring big changes and intense challenges. Teens and young adults often struggle with the skills and support they need to grow into healthy, thriving adults. But it’s not for lack of websites on this very subject. Unfortunately, young people don’t always know they need this support, and they most certainly don’t come to your website.



JED Foundation asked us to help it launch its new platform, Set To Go, designed to help young people become more emotionally prepared for the transition from high school to college. We knew that most college-bound young people don't suffer from a lack of desire to be prepared, they suffer from a lack of knowledge about what exactly they need to be prepared for.

We developed a communications strategy that inserted Set To Go where students already are—in their schools, on social media, watching influencers—to ensure these resources became part of the conversation. We developed targeted messaging on each channel to provide specialized support to different types of students. We also developed toolkits that provided key steps high school juniors and seniors can take to better prepare themselves for college.



With this strategy in place, JED was prepared to establish Set To Go as a trusted resource for young people (and their families) during this very important and emotional time.