Making sex ed ACCESSIBLE + interesting to pre-teens
“DSS has been instrumental in the success of AMAZE. Within a short period of time through a successful influencer campaign and organic approach through our digital media channels (YouTube, Snapchat, and Instagram) they have captured the attention of our target audience. We could have never imagined having the growth we have had in the last 6 months without DSS’s guidance. ”
Sexual education resources for young teens are severely lacking. Of the few that exist, they’re either confusing, age inappropriate, or boring. Sex ed needs a makeover for the digital age. We needed to help make age-appropriate sex education accessible and interesting to pre-teens and young teenagers—probably our hardest challenge to date!
We wanted to promote sexual and reproductive health resources in away that will resonate with young people and be where they are rather than hoping they find us.
We made sure to meet young people where they are – on their favorite social sites. We created and launched YouTube, Snapchat, and Instagram platforms for Amaze. We tapped key influencers to takeover our social channels and promote the sex ed resources to their followers. And we secured partnerships with leading teen-focused publishers and top digital influencers to promote content.
We earned more than 750,000 video views and 5,000 subscribers in just four months. The YouTube channel now has nearly 48,000 subscribers and vieos consistently get in excess of 500,000 views. Most exciting, though, is the response from young people who not only love the content, but respectfully engage with each other around a topic normally seen as taboo.